Baby Food-
The original baby food is the mother's womb. Eventually certain cells multiply into a placenta that connects to the fetus. This provides nutrients to the baby until it’s no longer sustainable (for the mother and the baby). The baby is born, then drinks milk. Then the milk will become a part of the past as the child eats baby food. Then the child can begin to develop his or her own tastes as he grows. “I want macaroni and cheese” becomes “I want Taco Bell” which becomes “I want Outback Steakhouse or Amsterdam Café.” The point is that the child originally needs food to get his nutrition. Then once that NEED is satisfied, He can be more selective to foods that please him as well as satisfy him.
This is a great metaphor for life. Babyfood can be anything: music. relationships. books. philosophy. and spirituality. Even morality to some extent (we are taught to obey the law as we grow up. But how many of us drive over the speed limit or sometimes don’t use the turn signal? Do you have to use the blinker if no one else is on the road? Everything is not black and white; there’s a lot of grey.
Questions morph from “when and where” to “how” and eventually “why?” A good example for these questions in relationships:
When: “what time do you wanna have dinner?”
Where: “Where are you from?”
How: “How do you feel about us?”
Why: “Why are we happy together” “why aren’t we happy?”
This can apply to any kind of “baby food” in life. Always grow and reach for the next step until you reach the “why.” For me, the deepest why questions are always answered by God. Once I can't understand a subject after researching and discussing, I tell myself that there must be a Higher Power that is more intelligent than any human being. Once you can begin to answer the why questions, there’s a new layer of happiness available. The journey of finding the answer to the why questions is, to me, the point of education. Learning until you begin to ask and answer the why questions. The answers are not always black and white as I said earlier. I saw a quote a few days ago: “Don’t define your world in black and white because there is so much hiding in the greys.” And the quote had a picture of a grey full moon. The many craters and mountains are clearly visible.
Many people forget the “why” of their jobs. It becomes routine and sometimes dreaded. If that happens, remember why you have the job even if you don’t love what you’re actually doing. The why is that you have to support yourself or your family. This is a fortunate task that is often forgotten. You are able to support yourself and have money for hobbies and other luxuries, even if it’s just a quarter-pounder with cheese from McDonalds. We also forget that we are influences. Our co-workers learn about our character and beliefs. There's always an opportunity to share the love and teachings of Jesus. We are a fortunate and freedom-enjoying country among many impoverished nations around the world.
We are blessed, even though we do not deserve it. Tell God you appreciate the chance of being productive.
Part of growing up is realizing just how grey the world is....and learning to trust God in the midst of indecision and doubt....I haven't fully gotten there...but I'm not where I used to be...