I poured a glass of homemade sweet tea. My mother made it. What is sweet tea? What are the ingredients? Where did they come from? They came from the ground. Tea leaves are, obviously, leaves. From a plant. That grew from the ground.
First of all, let’s think about plants. Where do they come from? They begin as a seed that must be pressed down into soil. When it receives water and nutrients, the plant begins to grow and mature more and more. Eventually, The former seed becomes a plant. So, what makes a seed grow? It goes down to the molecular level. Certain chemicals react very precisely with other chemicals .Why do chemicals behave the way they do? Because of they are composed of atoms, which are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Chemical reactions occur because of electrons. Basically, electrons want to move to other atoms when they feel attracted to those atoms.
Yes, this sounds crazy and nerdy and overly scientific. But this is the fact of life. We are made up of tiny substances called atoms, and they behave because of the way electrons and protons are arranged. What holds them together? Charges. Positive and negative charges, like a magnet. Do we know why positive charges are attracted to negative charges? No, not really. It just happens. Some scientists argue that there has to be a balance between positive and negative. But this still doesn’t answer the question: “Why are they attracted to each other?” There’s no way to know in my opinion. But this is considered fact and taken as truth, and I believe that this is the truth.
But this realization still begs the questions “how and why?”. There’s no proven answer. Yet many biologists accept these facts and think that the first form of life happened over billions of years of swirling elements randomly combining with one another until something happened, and life was formed. Over a long enough period of time, random happenings will occur according to this theory.
Is this really believable? Is everything we experience the consequence of randomness and “survival of the fittest?” Personally, this is not plausible at all. I understand the reasoning, but when it comes down to sub-atomic levels, how can this be accepted? There must be an intelligent Being that set everything into motion. Obviously, this cannot be scientifically proven either. But I find it highly unlikely that billions of years of randomness turned into the power of thinking. We can all think and read and understand and be happy or angry or sad. And this is also a result of chemicals binding to certain molecules in our brain. And this is also proven fact. If a person’s brain feels an increase in the amount of a chemical called seratonin, he or she feels happy. This is how many anti-depressants work. It’s amazing when we think about it. But again, it all goes back to the level of the atom. The atoms in seratonin are attracted to the atoms of a nerve cell. Why does this make me feel happy or unhappy? How? It’s impossible to answer these types of questions. This all comes down to the questions “Were we CREATED? Or did we come about due to the randomness of different atoms being attracted to one another?.”
As I drink my glass of sweet tea, I feel sure that God put all these things into motion. The tea leaves and the sugar both came from plants. The water fell from the sky. The leaves were boiled (which means the electrons were excited and moved around a lot). Sugar was added to the mixture of tea and water. Add some ice, and here I am. Can something that tastes so perfect be random? Is this feeling a consequence of positives and negatives being attracted to one another? Or is this another piece of evidence that God exists and He loves us? This is an easy answer for me. God is in all things whether we realize it or not. Think about it whenever you feel joy in anything: sweet tea, kissing, music, the lake, and everything else. God is everywhere and waiting for us to enjoy Him. Go enjoy!
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